
The Master Class is a 4 day event for experienced group facilitators where you will focus on developing your leading edge skill in facilitation or facilitative leadership.

A leading edge is a specific area of facilitation or facilitative leadership that you feel uncomfortable with or less confident in, or an area you would like to further explore and deepen your skill-sets.

Some examples of these areas could be:  

  • Working with energy
  • Working with conflict
  • Working with power and creating power-with
  • Presence and presencing
  • Appreciative inquiry
  • Facilitated storytelling
  • Self organising networks and groups
  • Generating social change towards a sustainable world
  • Designing organisational interventions
  • Blended realities – face-to-face and online facilitation in various combinations
  • Working with play or any other dimensions of being a Whole Person

What you will learn

A deeper level of skill and understanding in the area you choose to work on - your leading edge.

An increase in confidence in your ability to work with the area.

Through the power of the group learning process you will deepen your exploration of collective intelligence and its impact on groups.  


Course Content

Master Class is totally designed around the leading edges of the participants. As this changes from group to group there is no set content. Master Class emerges and is created in the moment as it unfolds.


The Experience

During the 4 days you will take on 2 roles.

As the group facilitator you will learn by doing, receiving coaching in the moment, and feedback from the group and the course leaders. Within a safe and creative environment you get the opportunity to work in real time on your leading edge. You get to identify what goes on internally for you, noticing what’s happening in the group and trying different interventions. You will see and feel the impact of these on the group in real time and thus what works and what doesn’t work. E.g. If your leading edge is working with conflict in a group then when conflict arises in Master Class, you will get to work with it as it happens. You will gain valuable insights into your own being (spirit, mind) and doing (approach, skills and behaviours) and how to apply them to your facilitation practice.

As a group participant you will give the group facilitator input, support, feedback and appreciation related to their leading edge and on the impact of their interventions. This generates a powerful group learning environment and is quite magical.

Self Care and Nourishment

As facilitators we need to stop and claim space for our own learning, self care and nourishment. The Zenergy Master Class is this space. The locations we choose are peaceful, and a welcomed opportunity to recharge our whole person and be part of an aligned community.


Upcoming Courses

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Who could benefit most from this course?

Anyone who would like to accelerate and advance their facilitation practice and their ability to serve their teams, groups and clients.

+ What does the course fee cover?

The course fee covers the pre, during and post integration work with the Zenergy trainers and your 4 days of full immersion experience. It also covers lunch, refreshments and snacks during the day.

+ What other expenses will I have?

You will have additional expenses to cover accommodation, evening meals, transport and flights.

+ What are the payment methods?

We accept bank transfer and payment via paypal.

+ What is the total time commitment?

Masterclass is run over 4 days and is residential. Before the master Class begins we will invite you to join a private Facebook group to get to know the other participants and start to create community.

+ Are there any entry requirements?

The Master Class is an advanced training programme for experienced facilitators and leaders who use collaborative processes. The recommended flow is to first attend Zenergy Stage 1 and Stage 2 as they embed the foundational skills of the whole person and the distinctions of generating collective intelligence that we work with. This does not however exclude an experienced facilitator from attending. The next step is to contact us and have a conversation.

+ How many times do I need to do a Master Class to complete the requirement for the Zenergy Diploma in Facilitation

To complete the requirements for the Zenergy Diploma in Facilitation you need to attend 2 Master Classes. Many of our participants have attended more than 2 classes and turn it into an annual or 2 year retreat to “sharpen their sword” and keep their whole person nourished and cared for.

+ What will I get when I complete the course?

A signed certificate of course completion from Zenergy Unlimited. Enhanced connection to the Zenergy community to continue to share, learn and grow. The course leaders are available to support you with facilitation challenges as and when they arise.

+ How many participants are there in a course?

The course group is made up of around 8 - 12 participants from diverse backgrounds.

+ Who will teach this course?

The course leaders are Liam Forde and Corina Roobeck. The training is done in English.

Journey to Diploma

Journey to Diploma